Playstation Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 coming to PS5 in 2023, bringing Venom with it


Apr 16, 2009
Nah the best one was where it lost to TLOU2 by a landslide :ROFLMAO:
Only to be crushed by Hades at the CererbralTiger certified Oscars 🤫

So we've established that Spider-Man 2 has definitively crushed a game Necrokiller avatarified :LOL:🤜
Just like we've established Hogwarts is crushing a game that neither deserved an avatar nor a game finished post from CerebralTiger but yet continues to champion for some reason 🤜:ROFLMAO:

Yes, it's totally due to a technical limitation and not licensing that the statue of liberty can't be interacted with :ROFLMAO:
What's the next excuse? Subway stations also needed to be licensed? :ROFLMAO:

The limit of an underground map being beyond the scope of what Insomniac Games had planned for gameplay. Having an underground subway map for no reason is a waste of developmental resources if they aren't gonna do anything with it. The only reason those subway passages even exist is for the sake of authenticity.
"for no reason" is a funny excuse to justify immersion breaking poor world simulation :ROFLMAO:

We all know "leaving the mission area" is Insomniac's favorite message. Poor designers gotta be limited by licenses amirite? And not clearly by their outdated open world design goals :ROFLMAO:
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Dec 19, 2020
Karachi, Pakistan
🤯 🤯


PS5 has so many great games. It is sometimes difficult to keep up. I am still playing FF VII Remake and completed about 66 percent of the main story. There is still the DLC, and 4 other games to play.

I just ordered this game online from Sky Games in Lahore. The library of gem games just keep on building.
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Apr 12, 2007
2.5 million copies in 24 hours! That's a yikes for Avatarfield :ROFLMAO:

Only to be crushed by Hades at the CererbralTiger certified Oscars 🤫
The oscars were credited in the overall tally, and TLOU2 defeated Hades, and both crushed Cyberpunk 2077 🤫 :LOL:

Just like we've established Hogwarts is crushing a game that neither deserved an avatar nor a game finished post from CerebralTiger but yet continues to champion for some reason 🤜:ROFLMAO:
We have not established that at all. Nintendo doesn't share digital stats with Circana. Plus, Hogwarts Legacy has a 3 month lead over TOTK 🤫:LOL:

What's the next excuse? Subway stations also needed to be licensed? :ROFLMAO:
No, making subway stations just for the sake of added immersion costs time and money. At the end of the day, the development team had to prioritize. There is a significant gap between the launch of RDR2 and the future release of GTA 6. During that time, Insomniac Games has released 2 full-fledged Spider-Man games, 2 story DLCs, one standalone Miles Morales expansion, and a new Ratchet game 🤜

Meanwhile, it took CD Projekt over 5 years to make Cyberpunk 2077, and an additional 3 years to bring it closer to its original vision alongside an expansion (which still failed to receive universal acclaim) equivalent to Miles Morales. Yikes! :ROFLMAO:

We all know "leaving the mission area" is Insomniac's favorite message. Poor designers gotta be limited by licenses amirite? And not clearly by their outdated open world design goals :ROFLMAO:
Lmao @ "outdated open world design". They're keeping the map authentic. It's much easier to simply throw a mountain and block the player's path 🤦‍♂️:LOL:
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Apr 16, 2009
2.5 million copies in 24 hours! That's a yikes for Avatarfield :ROFLMAO:
Avatarfield is available on a subscription service. Spider-Bug 2 ain't. Yeh to haalat hain desperate comparisons ke :ROFLMAO:

The oscars were credited in the overall tally
Oscars are CerebralTiger's only true tally and TLOU2 was obliterated 🤫:ROFLMAO:

We have not established that at all. Nintendo doesn't share digital stats with Circana. Plus, Hogwarts Legacy has a 3 month lead over TOTK 🤫:LOL:
We have. If Nintendo is proudly disclosing retail sales, where are the digital numbers? 🤫 :ROFLMAO:

Sad state of affairs for ToTK when stalwarts have to hide behind digital sales for a Nintendo game suddenly. Not to mention also making excuse of 3 months "lead" for an 84 metascore game by an unknown studio. That's a first. Also, where did all the pride over "Nintendo doesn't do sales" go? Actually, its pathetic really at this point 🤫

No, making subway stations just for the sake of added immersion costs time and money. At the end of the day, the development team had to prioritize. There is a significant gap between the launch of RDR2 and the future release of GTA 6. During that time, Insomniac Games has released 2 full-fledged Spider-Man games, 2 story DLCs, one standalone Miles Morales expansion, and a new Ratchet game
"for the sake of added immersion"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy sh*t at the list of excuses. Clearly Insomniac values quantity over quality. And that's why Spider-Bug 2 is nothing more than a "sure shot" nominee in CerebralTiger's eyes. But hey, atleast CerebralTiger can now see a bunch of people in a room through windows. Priooooooorities amirite? :ROFLMAO:

Meanwhile, it took CD Projekt over 5 years to make Cyberpunk 2077, and an additional 3 years to bring it closer to its original vision alongside an expansion (which still failed to receive universal acclaim) equivalent to Miles Morales. Yikes! :ROFLMAO:
Come back when Insomniac has a unanimous GoTY by a landslide which is also considered one of the best games of all time. CDPR's 2015 all-timer is still putting Insomniac's best back in its place in 2023. Lets not even start how Insomniac's excuse for expansion packs/DLC fare. Black Lives Morales isn't even worthy of your "mid" status. Imagine comparing it to Phantom Liberty :ROFLMAO:

Spider-Bug 2 failed and the only thing that will be keeping it relevant in the future is the PC version. Will lulzwerine take Insomniac to that level only a few developers can achieve? Stay tuned. 🤷‍♂️ :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Lmao @ "outdated open world design".
What exactly are they doing that even stands out? We've already seen how poor the AI, physics and wooooorld simulation is. Generic ass mission design with no flexibility in how you approach them and awful MJ sections (because the fans truly wanted more of that lmao). Its 2023 and they haven't even solved the "you're leaving the mission area" prompt. Its comical at this point. No wonder they are churning out so many games. Even Ubisoft open worlds don't do this :ROFLMAO:
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Apr 12, 2007

Note: I never cared for getting the platinum in either the original Spider-Man or Miles Morales, but this game is just so much fun 🤩

Avatarfield is available on a subscription service. Spider-Bug 2 ain't. Yeh to haalat hain desperate comparisons ke :ROFLMAO:
How many copies did Phantom Lulz sell in 24 hours, then? :ROFLMAO:

Oscars are CerebralTiger's only true tally and TLOU2 was obliterated 🤫:ROFLMAO:
Nah, but they're a part of the tally for sure. Me trolling in a thread where I wasn't managing the tally doesn't alter the GOTY thread rules :LOL:🤜

We have. If Nintendo is proudly disclosing retail sales, where are the digital numbers? 🤫 :ROFLMAO:
Except that it's not Nintendo that's proudly disclosing retail sales. Circana gets that info directly from retailers themselves :LOL:🤜

Sad state of affairs for ToTK when stalwarts have to hide behind digital sales for a Nintendo game suddenly. Not to mention also making excuse of 3 months "lead" for an 84 metascore game by an unknown studio. That's a first. Also, where did all the pride over "Nintendo doesn't do sales" go? Actually, its pathetic really at this point 🤫
1. Digital sales on the Nintendo Switch have risen considerably since the console's launch. They can't be ignored, and NPD data doesn't factor them.
2. The 84 Metascore game from an unknown studio is based on one of the most popular IPs out there, a fact that Necrokiller conveniently didn't mention.


Clearly Insomniac values quantity over quality.
Clearly not. There are total of around 100 missions. For an open world game these days, that's not a whole lot. The quality is there, though. Insomniac Games delivered 🤜

But hey, atleast CerebralTiger can now see a bunch of people in a room through windows. Priooooooorities amirite? :ROFLMAO:
Yes, a more living breathing city when swinging your way across to the next mission offers far greater immersion than a subway I'd have no reason to see outside of fetching a few collectibles that the development team would have placed there. "Hey, we made a subway. Please check it out" Insomniac Games doesnt do redundant stuff like CD Projekt :LOL:🤜

Come back when Insomniac has a unanimous GoTY by a landslide which is also considered one of the best games of all time. CDPR's 2015 all-timer is still putting Insomniac's best back in its place in 2023.
CD Projekt and Insomniac Games' most recent work is the most relevant. Besides, most of the people who worked on TW3 have moved on to other studios 🤫:LOL:

Spider-Bug 2 failed and the only thing that will be keeping it relevant in the future is the PC version.
A game with a 90+ Metascore and record breaking copies sold in 24 hours "failed"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA buuuuurn :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Also, I like Necrokiller's confidence in the next management at PlayStation to continue releasing games on PC :LOL:🤜

What exactly are they doing that even stands out? We've already seen how poor the AI, physics and wooooorld simulation is. Generic ass mission design with no flexibility in how you approach them and awful MJ sections (because the fans truly wanted more of that lmao).
Not "we", it's just you lol. The Ai is perfectly fine for the normal difficulty (higher difficulties offer more reactive AI), the physics and world simulation are great, and only fall short of Rockstar's games, the combat is fantastic and allows the player to be creative with combos and juggles., traversal speed is much faster, web-swinging is entirely physics-based (with the assists turned down to 1) and brilliant, the boss fights are well-executed and memorable, the story is great, side activities are fun. I could go on, but then I'd be entering spoiler territory.

Also, there is a substantial difference between the MJ stealth sections in the first game and the ones here. She has listen mode, a gun that shoots webs, and can perform stealth takedowns. I despised her sections in the first game, yet I found the ones in the sequel to offer a nice change of pace.

Its 2023 and they haven't even solved the "you're leaving the mission area" prompt. Its comical at this point. No wonder they are churning out so many games. Even Ubisoft open worlds don't do this :ROFLMAO:
Other open world games have fictional settings (even when they're based on real locations) where they can take liberty with the world design. As I said earlier, Insomniac Games has aimed for a 1:1 recreation of New York. It's a different situation altogether.
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Apr 16, 2009
How many copies did Phantom Lulz sell in 24 hours, then? :ROFLMAO:
CerebralTiger has already explained why Spider-Bug sells:

is based on one of the most popular IPs out there,
And we do know for a fact that time aligned sales for Phantom Liberty are more than any game ever made by Houselulz, Monolulz, MercuryLulz, Platilulz :ROFLMAO:

Poor Bayonetta 3 sold 1 million in 2 months and Phantom Liberty did 3 million in 3 days HAHAHAHAHAHA 🤫

Me trolling in a thread
First true words ever spoken by CerebralTiger. :ROFLMAO:

Except that it's not Nintendo that's proudly disclosing retail sales. Circana gets that info directly from retailers themselves :LOL:🤜
Yeh website bhi Circana run karta hai? This includes digital sales and they are even counting bundled software HAHAHAHHAHHAA

Abysmal digital only numbers when Nintendo? Come save Hogwarts from embarrassing Zelda 🤷‍♂️ :ROFLMAO:

2. The 84 Metascore game from an unknown studio is based on one of the most popular IPs out there, a fact that Necrokiller conveniently didn't mention.
That's the whole point. Those IPs are starved for even a mediocre game that isn't a disaster and that's enough to put Zelda back in its place. 🤫

There is a reason only Spider-Bug sells and poor Ratchet is left in the dust. Also the same reason why Star Wars Jedi series has been so financially successful :ROFLMAO:

CD Projekt and Insomniac Games' most recent work is the most relevant.
"Sure-shot" nominee, then? CerebralTIger would argue. A unanimous GoTY winner quality then? Nope.

Except that sadly for you Witchaaaaa 3 was reviewed recently again, and guess what, Spider-Bug 2 can't touch it 🤫:ROFLMAO:

Insomniac Games doesnt do redundant stuff like CD Projekt :LOL:🤜
3 of their last 4 releases in 4 years are Spider-Bug games. The very definition of redundant. LMAOOOO 🤫🤫

A game with a 90+ Metascore and record breaking copies sold in 24 hours "failed"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA buuuuurn :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
CerebralTIger still conveniently ignoring that a game with 90+ metascore will be crushed in GoTY award season. Buuuuuuurn. Keep chasing that dream HAHAHAHAHAH :ROFLMAO:

Other open world games have fictional settings (even when they're based on real locations) where they can take liberty with the world design.
LMAOOOOOOOOOO what does "you're leaving the mission area" has anything to do with fictional or real location? CerebralTiger as clueless as Insomniac :ROFLMAO:

As I said earlier, Insomniac Games has aimed for a 1:1 recreation of New York. It's a different situation altogether.
Its no surprise at this point that Insomniac's open worlds are creatively bankrupt. Churning out the same realistic location, that's how they are able to make redundant releases in a short span 🤫:ROFLMAO:
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Dec 19, 2020
Karachi, Pakistan
Bought this gem yesterday for Rs. 18,000.

I played till the Sandman sequence, and I have to say the gameplay was quite unique and exhilarating.

The best thing about the game is that it supports 60 FPS at 120Hz HDR. I could immediately see the visual quality difference as I switched from 60Hz to 120Hz option.

Watching spidy glide at fast speed across Manhattan on my 55'' telly was a treat to the eyes.

The fellowship between Peter Parker and Miles Morales was entertaining to watch. And the fun has just started.

I didn't encounter any bugs mentioned in the latest patch notes up till now.
But I will still wait for the 32 GB patch to install before venturing further.




PS5 is starting to show its real value. And the best is yet to come.

I believe 2024 will be the finest hour for the console with such exclusive gems as FFVII Rebirth Feb. 2024, Lost Soul Aside - Q1 2024, Rise of the Ronin, Phantom Blade 0, Stellar Blade, Project Awakening, Project: The Perceiver, The Awakener: Risen, and more.
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Apr 12, 2007
Yeh website bhi Circana run karta hai? This includes digital sales and they are even counting bundled software HAHAHAHHAHHAA
That's as of June 30. We're in October. Wake up, Necrokiller! :LOL: 🤜

That's the whole point. Those IPs are starved for even a mediocre game that isn't a disaster and that's enough to put Zelda back in its place. 🤫
Bring me the updated physical + digital numbers first :LOL:🤫

LMAOOOOOOOOOO what does "you're leaving the mission area" has anything to do with fictional or real location?
Well you can't just drop a mountain to block the path for the player when you're recreating a real location. Heck, for a superhero like Spider-Man, even that mountain shouldn't be a problem. Best to go with the "leaving mission area" approach 🤷‍♂️:LOL:

Money well spent. Looking forward to your impressions 👍
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Apr 16, 2009
That's as of June 30. We're in October. Wake up, Necrokiller! :LOL: 🤜
What has that got to do with the point I was making? Nintendo is "proudly" releasing retail sales so why are they afraid to report Digital numbers to Circana? Wake up, Nintendo :ROFLMAO:

Bring me the updated physical + digital numbers first :LOL:🤫
Poor Nintendo waiting for some milestone. JABHI tou khaamosh hain 🤫:ROFLMAO:

Best to go with the "leaving mission area" approach 🤷‍♂️:LOL:
Who needs a mountain when an outdated design is enough to restrict him :ROFLMAO:


Apr 12, 2007
What has that got to do with the point I was making? Nintendo is "proudly" releasing retail sales so why are they afraid to report Digital numbers to Circana? Wake up, Nintendo :ROFLMAO:
Coz Nintendont care :LOL: 🤜

But, clearly, CD Projekt does. Why doesn't it share digital stats with Circana? 🤷‍♂️:LOL:
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    anybody knows any whatsapp or facebook group for rental properties in karachi but with actual owners posting and not real estate guys posting on owner's behalf?
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    atleast on pc we have other options
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    Microsoft raising Game Pass Prices (coincidentally right before CoD release) and releasing a "new" tier of Game Pass.**Game Pass Ultimate:** $16.99 -> $19.99**Game Pass (PC):** $9.99 -> $11.99**Game Pass Standard (New! - No Day One Releases):** $14.99 - includes online play. **Existing Game Pass for Console:** No longer available for purchase starting July 10thExisting Game Pass for Console users can only stack their sub for up to 13 months from Sept.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    TL;DRMicrosoft raising Game Pass Prices (coincidentally right before CoD release) and releasing a "new" tier of Game Pass.**Game Pass Ultimate:** $16.99 -> $19.99**Game Pass (PC):** $9.99 -> $11.99**Game Pass Standard (New! - No Day One Releases):** $14.99 - includes online play**Existing Game Pass for Console:** No longer available for purchase starting July 10thExisting Game Pass for Console users can only stack their sub for up to 13 months from Sept.
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    techyrock said:
    Is it as good as RDR2 in terms of story, some guy I was talking to was even saying that it's better, for me so far nothing beats RDR2, haven't played this one yet
    Nah man. RDR2 is in a league of it's own. That game is special. Brilliant storyline & characters. Ghost of Tsushima is also a good game, but it's story isn't all that great IMO. It's gameplay, sidequest & combat are really good though.
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  • techyrock techyrock:
    XPremiuM said:
    Finally finished Ghost of Tsushima today (with DLC). It's a pretty good game. It plays like an older Assassin's Creed game but with it's own setting & visuals. The combat is fun. Storyline is decent. Sidequests are interesting. Visuals are pleasant. Overall an enjoyable game. Good to know they're making a sequel.
    Is it as good as RDR2 in terms of story, some guy I was talking to was even saying that it's better, for me so far nothing beats RDR2, haven't played this one yet
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Finally finished Ghost of Tsushima today (with DLC). It's a pretty good game. It plays like an older Assassin's Creed game but with it's own setting & visuals. The combat is fun. Storyline is decent. Sidequests are interesting. Visuals are pleasant. Overall an enjoyable game. Good to know they're making a sequel.
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    السلام علیکم
    Guys I am looking to buy a used gaming laptop in the budget of 80k rs (probably a 5th or 6th gen or MAYBE a 7th gen)
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  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Played as a Samurai in the original version. Now playing as a Vagabond in Shadow of Erdtree version from the start
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    The graphics seem to me more crisper and detailed of this edition as compared to the original. But I could be wrong.
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    Just installed the Elden Ring Shadow of Erd Tree Deluxe Edition on my laptop. It comes with cool artwork, sound tracks, and beginners guide.
    uzairjunejo uzairjunejo: hello everyone im searching for ps4 slim under 40k can you tell me where to find?