Community Rules

The rules of PakGamers Community are mainly based on RFC1855, a widely accepted internet standard for netiquette. We own this site, we pay for this site, and we are liable for its content so we get to make the rules.

The site and forum operate on mutual respect, tolerance and community trust.
Anything going against these basic principles will lead to punishment.

General Rules:

- Fanboyism

Fanboyism will not be tolerated. Only with a solid argument someone can say that a particular console/game sucks e.g. If someone have a xbox 360 and it got a 3RLOD error, then he/she have a solid reason to say 360 sucks. If you don't own a PS3 then under any circumstances you can't say PS3 sucks etc. Hope this clears fanboyism idea. Please refrain from baseless and useless fanboyism as it ruins the atmosphere of the forum.

- Post Legibly

In the digital age, you would have thought that legibility would no longer be a problem. As RFC 1588 states, use mixed case and proper punctuation. Doing otherwise will make you sound like a toddler. Posting in "l33t sp33k" (replacing letters with numbers and/or special symbols) or "LeEt CaPs" (alternating case excessively) will make you look like a fool. Don't do it. Also don't use the font colors which are really hard to read like using a dark color fonts on the dark background. Proper sentence usage is appreciated too.

- Language

Posts should be in English only (we do allow a roman urdu mixture within your post, or urdu language just in case if you don't know english). If a message is unreadable due to spelling and / or grammar, it may be removed. We don't ask you to be a 'Spelling Bee' champion, or an English Major, only that you post messages that are legible. This means no Spanish, Latin, binary, hexadecimal, or whatever slang you want to invent on the spot.

- Subject Lines/Thread Titles

Make your subject lines descriptive. Subject lines such as "Check this out!" or "This is so cool!" or "I can't believe this!" are not descriptive, and result in multiple postings on the same subject. Before posting, you might want to look through the current page of posts to see that someone has not already posted on the same subject.

- Illegal Subjects

Subjects include, but are not limited to: hacking, drugs, pornography, and provoking racism. Incitement or 'encouragement' of these activities is also prohibited. If we see you posting threads promoting any of these topics you will be warned or banned. Please note that we may add to this list in future, to ensure that subjects and topics that encourage or promote flaming or abuse in any way are kept under control. It's at the Moderators and Admins' discretion as to whether posted content is acceptable or not.

- Respect

Respect every forum member as you would a moderator. All forum posters are to be treated equally with respect. Repeatedly using vulgar language and calling somebody an idiot is not a good way of getting on a moderator’s good side. Furthermore, moderators treat everybody as equals. This forum is open to anybody, regardless the game. This site will not tolerate personal attack to anyone. This is a game related community that promotes competition, honor and fair play. Posts found that include slander on a personal level and not game related will be removed and the user warned of improper behavior. Second infraction will result in banishment to participate in this community. You’re a lousy player .... blah blah (no problem) You’re a lousy person .... blah blah (not allowed)

- Which Forum/Section/Thread?

Make post in the forum/thread that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. Keep the focus: Questions outside the scope of a certain forum and/or topic will be moved, locked, or simply deleted. To ensure you post in the correct forum section, please read this list of all forum areas and their topics:

- Search

Before creating a thread, use the forum Search function to try and find previously relevant threads or post. We have a organized forum and there is a good chance that your question/suggestion has been posted in the past.

Posting Guidelines:

When posting in an online forum or chat, there are several things in which you have to pay attention to. One of the most important things is content. We have a large member base so you must keep in mind that what you say can/will be offensive to other members. To prevent this from occurring unnecessarily, you must abide to our stricter set of rules regarding what you post. All moderators are instructed to ensure that these rules are maintained and will discipline any offenders.

- I'M Back/I'M Leaving Threads

 If you're going to be gone for longer than 14 days, then you can start a topic. You can post as much or as little info as you want. But just so your adoring fans don't get a eartattack, you could briefly state how long you'll be gone, where you are going and why.

- If it's shorter than 14 days, then just PM your friends.

- No 'I'm back' posts. When you return, we'll notice.

- Thread/Topic Locking due to same repeating posts/questions

Please make sure that you first checkout the FAQs/Guides sticky threads in a specific from e.g Xbox forum, Sony PS forum etc for the answers of your question or use the forum Search function to try and find previously relevant threads or post. If we finds out that the thread is keep on revolving around same old question which have been answered many times already e.g (what the price of 360, from where I should buy it etc, what is ROD etc) we will lock the thread!

- Spamming

Spamming will ultimately get you banned/removed from our forum. This includes continuously inviting people to your website, One word posts, posting offtopic (i-e talking about your school-day in a fatal frame discussion thread), posting the same topic several times, double posting, just trying to cause a nuisance of yourself. Generally speaking, spam means to post off-topic in forums. Posting things like 'My cat died today' in a God Of War 2 topic is spam.

Double posting or creating multiple threads on the same subject is the same as Spamming. Double post only and only if in a case of urgency, otherwise just edit your post. It won't kill you. If you're going to add something to a discussion, also post why you think that way. Posts like 'lol' and 'OK' are considered irrelevant and spam. All such posts will result in a warning and if multiple threads are posted within a certain time frame you will be banned. If an account is created and used to automatically spam advertisements of any kind, it will be perm banned immediately. These rules do not apply to the chatbox/shoutbox.

- Swearing

We do believe on the freedom of speech, that's why we at allow our members to freely express their opinion, but remember that we have younger members in our community. Overuse of swear words will result in a warning. Further excessive use of adult language will result in further sanctions towards those concerned. Excessive swearing is a mark of fool. This isn't a locker room keep it clean. Lastly, no swearing in shoutbox, signatures and images/avatars.

- Tolerance

Racist, sexist, homophobic, or religious insults are the quickest way to get you banned from the forum.

- Images

No pornographic, overly offensive, overly/mindlessly violent or inappropriate images are allowed. This covers any Signature, Avatar, Video or Image associated with your personal forum account or any image/s, or link to such, posted by any user. If you would not show your boss the image, it shouldn’t be on these forums. Remember that Forum Moderators have the final say on what is acceptable. Furthermore, if you are going to have quite a number of screenshots in a thread, it's generally a good idea to put a warning in the subject line. "(Warning - big pictures!)" or use thumbnail images. You should re-size these images to 800x600 resolution maximum, alternatively attach them to your post.

- Tone

The tone of your post is very important. Always bear this in mind. Everyone has a different outlook, opinion and perception about what a person says and how they say it. It is a good idea to make use of the 'preview' option and review what you have typed, and how you have put it across. It's also a good idea not to post if you are angry about another user's views. Calm down and think your reply through.

- Flame wars

Direct or indirect ‘flaming’ of any forum member to incite or perpetuate a conflict or argument is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate action by a forum moderator. Any forum topic which a forum moderator deems as controversial or that may possibly lead to an argument/flame war will be closed or deleted. We will not baby-sit topics on these forums.

- Private Messages

Abuse of the Private Messaging System is against forum rules. If anyone sends threats or insults to you via the Private Message (forum or chatbox), contact a moderator who will act accordingly.

- Forum/Site Tampering

Don't be a Hi-Tech daddy, Any attempt to manipulate the coding of the site, or perform any actions not of normal operations of the site, will result in an immediate IP ban.

- Duplicate Accounts

No one is allowed to make duplicate accounts or use his/her friends, family member accounts. In case of any emergency please notify the admin first (via E-mail or PM) if you are willing to use your friend or a family member etc account, failure to do so, the concerned account will get banned permanently without any warning.

ChatBox Rules:

Please remember shoutbox is visible to everyone and it's the first thing which most of the new visitors notice, posting anything inappropriate is not allowed in the shoutbox, which include:

- Vulgar language & swearing.

- Advertising & Spamming.

- Excessive use of smilies/emoticons.

Failure to meet the above rules will lead you to a ban from the shoutbox or might be from the forum depending on the situation.

Signature & Avatar Rules:

We allow you to display a custom signature below every post you make and a avatar on the left hand side within your posts, but we do insist that you should follow the rules which are described here in order to keep the PakGamers forums pleasant to browse and clear of visual clutter. If you choose to make use of the signature function, you must follow one of the below options. NOT a mixture!

Signature Options:

a) Only one signature image is allowed with maximum 450 x 130 pixel dimensions along with a maximum 150kb weight.

b) You can add maximum of 250 plain characters text in your signature

c) Maximum of 200 characters allowed in a single line anymore characters then the defined limit will be truncated to the next line.

d) You can put maximum of 2 lines of text in your signature (see point 'c' above).

e) No affiliate & referral sites links allowed.

f) No lockerz invite allowed in the sigs.

g) No mass marketing / advertising is allowed within the signatures i-e only one person is allowed to display a personal website / blog signature image along with the URL under his/her signature. If we found people doing mass advertising of a website in their signatures than it will be removed without any notification and on the repetitive violation their signature privilege will be disabled permanently.

h) No animated signatures are allowed.

Your signature must not include any image or text which could be deemed as obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, illegal or otherwise volatile of any forum decency standards. Any signatures contravening these rules will be removed WITHOUT NOTICE, either in full or in part. Repeated abuse of this rule will result in your personalized signature privileges being revoked permanently.

Avatars Options:

Members are allowed to use either animated or static avatars with the max dimension of 100x100 pixel and max size of 50KB. Your avatar must not include any image or text which could be deemed as obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, illegal or otherwise volatile of any forum decency standards.

Reporting Posts

We have a 'Report Post' facility available for use by ordinary forum users to report posts or threads that contravene these forum rules. Using this system is very easy. If you notice such a post, just use the Report Post icon/button on the bottom-left hand side of the offending post. An email will then be created, and sent to all Moderators of that specific forum as well as to the admin. Excessive use or abuse of this system will lead to the originator's account being removed without warning.


The following is our basic moderator guidelines and standards. Users must be aware of what Moderators are here to do on the PakGamers forums, and what punishments they can expect if they are in breach of the forum rules. These rules apply to moderators too. Any moderator who breaches these guidelines will lose their moderator privileges. There are no double-standards in our forum.

- Respect All Moderators

The moderators are here to assist members and ensure the smooth running of the forums. It's their job to enforce the rules. If they ban a member, edit/remove a post or lock a thread - it will be for a reason. Do not dispute a moderator’s decision or argue with them in the forums. If an action is taken against you that you feel was made in error or unjustified, please notify a forum administrator.

- Warnings (and successive courses of action)

Warnings are given by moderators to those who break the rules. All warnings are logged in our database. We are aware of those who have a “record”. The most common method of action towards offenders is this:

I. When you break a rule for the first time, a moderator will contact you via Private Message or email to warn you. Whether you respond to the warning or not, we will assume that you are aware of the situation.

II. If you continue to break a rule for the second time, a moderator may warn you again for the last time. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be banned for the second offense without warning.

III. After three offenses, you will be banned and your account deleted. If you post anything we regard as illegal you will be banned upon the first offense. (see: Section 1: General Rules --->iv.Illegal Subjects)

If you have been banned, it was not without warning or reason. Do not send in emails requesting to be un-banned. At this point, your requests are falling upon idle ears.

- Ban Requests, Post Deletion Requests

If you find a post which you find overly offensive, please Private Message a moderator or administer and we will determine any further course of action.

- My Friend/Partner/Boyfriend got banned?

No one is allowed to post any request or a protesting thread on the behalf of a banned member, if anyone do anything like that he/she will get ban immediately, please keep this community free from lobby forming. If your friend or someone who you know quite good got banned then it should be due to some reason, we don't ban peoples without any reason or rules breaking.

- Temporary Bans

Temporary Bans may be issued. If your account is temporary disabled, do NOT create another account. Bypassing a temporary ban may result in a more permanent action. If you have any questions about your temporary ban, please contact a forum administrator.

- Multiple Forum Accounts

Users must NOT create more than one forum account, for any reason. Doing so will leave accounts open to deletion at any time with or without prior notice.

- Complaints Against Moderators

If you have a viable complaint against a particular moderator, we suggest you try to work out your situation via Private Message or email with him/her. If you continue to have trouble you may contact a General Editor , the Super Moderators. After discussion with the Super Mod, if your issue remains there then you can contact the PakGamers Administrator directly. Trying to contact anyone else regarding moderation issues will result in you being ignored for being a pest. Do not post your issues in any forums. If you do, we will warn you once and remove it. After the first warning, or knowing the rules and ignoring this procedure, will result in a ban.

- Harassment

Harassment of staff members via e-mail, instant messages, or other means of contact is a punishable offense, and could result in legal charges should the contents be serious enough.

For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately!

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts. Content submitted express the views of their author only.

This Service is only available to users who are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this Service. If you register for this Service, you represent that you are this age or older.

All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service ("Content") may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.

General chit-chat
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  • uzairjunejo uzairjunejo:
    hello everyone im searching for ps4 slim under 40k can you tell me where to find?
  • Link
  • iampasha iampasha:
  • puppet puppet:
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Arsalan Ash ( Arsalan Siddiqui) just won the EVO Tekken 8 today beating fellow countryman Atif Butt 3-2 in the finals. What a great tournament!
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    No. But they were as good as new. My modded Ps2 lasted nearly 6 years, and I have still my modded PS3 with 20+ games.
  • Shalashaska Shalashaska:
    Back in the day we could buy brand new consoles which could run pirated games out of the box. My Ps1, Ps2 and Xbox 360 did. So they weren't really sealed in box were they?
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Xbox Game Pass Day One Games Will Be 'Case-by-Case Basis' Moving Forward
    Day one games may take 6-12 months to reach Xbox Game Pass Standard, evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • iampasha iampasha:
    EternalBlizzard said:
    anybody knows any whatsapp or facebook group for rental properties in karachi but with actual owners posting and not real estate guys posting on owner's behalf?
    I would like to know this aswell lol
  • EternalBlizzard EternalBlizzard:
    anybody knows any whatsapp or facebook group for rental properties in karachi but with actual owners posting and not real estate guys posting on owner's behalf?
    • Like
    Reactions: iampasha
  • iampasha iampasha:
    atleast on pc we have other options
  • iampasha iampasha:
    without gamepass xbox is useless
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Microsoft raising Game Pass Prices (coincidentally right before CoD release) and releasing a "new" tier of Game Pass.**Game Pass Ultimate:** $16.99 -> $19.99**Game Pass (PC):** $9.99 -> $11.99**Game Pass Standard (New! - No Day One Releases):** $14.99 - includes online play. **Existing Game Pass for Console:** No longer available for purchase starting July 10thExisting Game Pass for Console users can only stack their sub for up to 13 months from Sept.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    TL;DRMicrosoft raising Game Pass Prices (coincidentally right before CoD release) and releasing a "new" tier of Game Pass.**Game Pass Ultimate:** $16.99 -> $19.99**Game Pass (PC):** $9.99 -> $11.99**Game Pass Standard (New! - No Day One Releases):** $14.99 - includes online play**Existing Game Pass for Console:** No longer available for purchase starting July 10thExisting Game Pass for Console users can only stack their sub for up to 13 months from Sept.
  • H hassandx:
    guys i have an old 2nd gen chromecast which i want to sell. how much should i ask for it?
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    techyrock said:
    Is it as good as RDR2 in terms of story, some guy I was talking to was even saying that it's better, for me so far nothing beats RDR2, haven't played this one yet
    Nah man. RDR2 is in a league of it's own. That game is special. Brilliant storyline & characters. Ghost of Tsushima is also a good game, but it's story isn't all that great IMO. It's gameplay, sidequest & combat are really good though.
    • Like
    Reactions: iampasha
  • techyrock techyrock:
    XPremiuM said:
    Finally finished Ghost of Tsushima today (with DLC). It's a pretty good game. It plays like an older Assassin's Creed game but with it's own setting & visuals. The combat is fun. Storyline is decent. Sidequests are interesting. Visuals are pleasant. Overall an enjoyable game. Good to know they're making a sequel.
    Is it as good as RDR2 in terms of story, some guy I was talking to was even saying that it's better, for me so far nothing beats RDR2, haven't played this one yet
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Finally finished Ghost of Tsushima today (with DLC). It's a pretty good game. It plays like an older Assassin's Creed game but with it's own setting & visuals. The combat is fun. Storyline is decent. Sidequests are interesting. Visuals are pleasant. Overall an enjoyable game. Good to know they're making a sequel.
  • M Mr_Soulz:
    السلام علیکم
    Guys I am looking to buy a used gaming laptop in the budget of 80k rs (probably a 5th or 6th gen or MAYBE a 7th gen)
    Please give me your suggestions
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Played as a Samurai in the original version. Now playing as a Vagabond in Shadow of Erdtree version from the start
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    The graphics seem to me more crisper and detailed of this edition as compared to the original. But I could be wrong.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Just installed the Elden Ring Shadow of Erd Tree Deluxe Edition on my laptop. It comes with cool artwork, sound tracks, and beginners guide.
    uzairjunejo uzairjunejo: hello everyone im searching for ps4 slim under 40k can you tell me where to find?