MULTI Dark Souls II: SDCC Coverage - Boss Fight Footage + New Info


Watch me repel that shit!
Jun 16, 2011
Maple Syrup Land
The demo running in this vid were all running on PS3s, there were also demos running on XBOX 360s according to sources. The game looks fantastic, even with the crappy off-screen footage you can notice the awesome lighting and amazing attention to detail on the particle effects. For i.e. the rain drops splashing off the player and the boss, the sword swings splashing water in the rain. And no frame drops whatsoever, even on such an early build. The new engine is really worth all the money and From Soft is gonna use this to their advantage. Prepare for one the most atmospheric game you will ever play.

Here are some notable tidbits from some guy on reddit who played the demo. And one thing that the guy fails to mention is that the Mirror Knight boss can actually summon two NPC/players to the battle and you can confirm that by watching the boss footage. Can you guys imagine two human players fighting along side the boss against you and your 2 summons? Epic.

New Mechanics:

  • Every action feels a bit more weighty. You're committing more to each movement.
  • You're no longer invincible during any special animation, like opening doors or entering bonfires.
  • Magic has been expanded! Each spell now has a weak and strong attack, and some are even chargeable! Two-handing catalysts also changes the spell somewhat.
  • When you're targeting someone, you're no longer restricted to attacking directly at them. This kind of threw me off, as I tried to back up and then heavy attack, but then attacked backwards...
  • Enemies are much smarter. Even normal hollows were rushing me when I tried to heal.
  • The enemies the Mirror Knight summons are weak, easily killable with a single greatsword strong attack. But they distract away from the boss himself, which can get dangerous.
  • There's a shortcut in the dark basement area where the Turtle Knight is. You need to lure a firebomb hollow to blow up some explosive barrels, while rolling out of the way.
New Spells:

  • Soul Arrow: Now chargeable!
  • Soul Lance: Seems pretty standard.
  • Soul Sword (Guessed Name): SO COOL!
  • Soul Rain (Guessed Name): Easily the coolest new spell. It shoots a ball of light upwards, before raining down countless Soul Arrows. However, it has an issue with low ceilings...
  • Flame Toss (Guessed Name): One of two fire spells. Seems to fire at an angle, and so it was always hitting walls instead of enemies...
  • Fireball (Guessed Name): A straight shooting fire ball that explodes. The explosion hurts you too, so watch out.
New Miracles:

  • Talisman: The Talisman was very interesting! It looks sort of like a small mace.
  • Regeneration: A prayer-like spell that slowly regenerates your health for a while. I couldn't find any standard healing on the Temple Knight.
  • Unknown Spell: I couldn't figure out what this spell did, but the symbol looked like a body with a ring around it. It is chargeable for a very long time, and it gives you a fiery aura.
  • Lightning Burst (Guessed Name): An extremely powerful Miracle that sends out a burst of lightning that crackles over a wide area and hits multiple times. With it, I was able to kill Mr. Turtle in about three hits.
  • Dark Orb (Guessed Name): With very interesting implications, it seems that Dark Magic has been integrated into Miracles! It fires off a small Dark Orb that does moderate damage.
New Items/Item Mechanics:

  • Green Blossom: It returns! However, it takes SO DAMN LONG to eat. Easily about as long as a weapon enchantment. Speaking of which...
  • Aromatic Ooze: Read: Sticky White Stuff. Extra magic weapon damage. Pretty cool.
  • Amber Herb and Twilight Herb: Magic-Use replenishment! I'm assuming that Amber Herb refills one spell, while Twilight Herb refills all of them to full.
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  • iampasha iampasha:
    faraany3k said:
    finished already. Will go with Re4
    have fun
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    iampasha said:
    Also don't forget dead space remake. Imo the strongest in the horror trio.
    finished already. Will go with Re4
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    Reactions: iampasha
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Also don't forget dead space remake. Imo the strongest in the horror trio.
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Defo re4 first. Because Alan wake 2 will spoil you with it graphics
  • IzHee IzHee:
    Resident Evil 4 remake with separate ways amd Alan Wake later on and once all DLC releases for Alan Wake 2, pick that one up.
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    Reactions: faraany3k
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Resi 4 remaster vs Alan Wake. Which one should i play first.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    PS 5 Pro announced today. While I was impressed with the value - 4K at 60 FPS in quality mode for recent games, the price is too high. PS4 Pro cost just $399 at launch. The price of the PS5 Pro version seems to show Sony is returning to its haughty attitude of the PS3 era. I think the console with a disk drive will cost $1000-$1200 in Pakistan. For most, PC gaming onlyis increasingly becoming a more attractive proposition.
  • A alisagheer702:
    waiting i need it urgent
  • A alisagheer702:
    does anybody have dslg225 t2? firmware
  • Link
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Two exclusive games (limited exclusive) with MC score 92+ in 2024. Not bad Sony. Not bad indeed.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Ordered today for my kid. He is a huge Astrobot fan second only to Mario.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Asyrobot just launched today and oh boy, 94 meta critic score - universal acclaim. Team Asobi - well done. Sony Japan
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    Reactions: SolitarySoldier
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    They could have shipped all these SP sequels on PC as well. But they wanted a piece of the PC market AND the live service market at the same time. I think that turned out a bit too much for them.
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    Reactions: LegacyGamerGuy
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Aside from this, Sony and PS5 could have been great even with sequels to existing games like Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted, GOW, TLOU, Infamous, LBP/Sackboy, maybe dead ones like Resistance, Jak, etc. It seems that they've been trying to focus on the live service model instead at the cost of SP games and exclusivity. It hasn't worked out well (except for Helldivers 2) and most of this gen is over. I don't see the point of this divergence from their established brand and strategy, especially at the cost of new SP games, few of which will now see the light of day this gen.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Sure, big shots like RDR2 and Elden Ring are also great and I love them as much as the next person but at some level, I feel like I can get something close to that in movies and TV. There's something unique about great platformers in terms of stress-free/joyful interactivity and immersion that a heavy story or challenging gameplay doesn't have. Again, the latter is great too but the former more accurately defines gaming for me.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Astro Bot will redeem PS5 for me. Ratchet and Astro Playroom did it as well. I may have a preference for platformers but this kind of pure fun games is what gaming started out as and what remains the most enjoyable part of it for me.
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    Reactions: LegacyGamerGuy
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Yeah, Concord & Suicide Squad were utter failures due to being woke as hell. These western devs keep digging their own graves. They don't get the message that the masses don't want woke nonsense in games (or any other entertainment medium for that matter). Japanese games are less woke than American ones, but they're still not completely woke-free because they mostly target American audience. If you want truly unwoke content, try Chinese & Korean games. Black Myth: Wukong & Steller Blade are two of the biggest hits in gaming recently, and they came from China & Korea respectively. They're all the rage these days & completely free from this woke nonsense. I reckon American studios have no future in gaming unless they change their ways. Asian studios on the other hand are on the path to success. Not only is this great for gamers in general. It is also great for us Asians. :cool:
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    Reactions: LegacyGamerGuy
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Also, it's not just Capcom. Almost all Japanese devs are doing a stellar job and keeping the gaming world alive - FromSoft, Namco, and Nintendo. American/European developers have turned a blind eye to what gamers want and solely focus on squeezing maximum amount from gamers. They suck!
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    I believe Sony America should shut down and converted to Sony Japan. Then we can expect good quality games and not woke propaganda. One of the reasons for failure of Concord as per Reddit comments is woke/gay characters with they/them pronouns. Same is the reason Overwatch 2 has been a failure - they are targeting the wrong target market.
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    There are like 3 years left for Ps5 and Series consoles but they are yet to deliver anything memorable. I think only company that is really going decent is Capcom.
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    Reactions: iampasha
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Concord the biggest disaster in gaming.
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    Reactions: iampasha
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Tienamen square massacre
  • D dabai001:
    Who can contact the community founder? Contact me and get a reward
  • D dabai001:
    Who can contact the community founder? Contact me and get a reward
    iampasha iampasha: finished already. Will go with Re4 have fun